Uncover the Secrets Your Favourite TV Show Holds About You

Spending the pandemic stuck at home could only result in one possible outcome. You’ve been scouring Netflix from page to page, finding a list of TV shows that you’ve probably watched and rewatched by now – we’re entering our second mid-pandemic year after all!

Despite how many new TV shows you may discover, it’s interesting how you always go back to your favorite TV shows. Whether you crave white noise while you enjoy a meal or need an end-of-day relaxation session, this show will always be on your TV screen.

If you’re looking to do some self-reflecting and find out what your favorite TV show says about you, join us along on the journey!


We definitely do not want to mess with you! You’re a devout fan, and you’re not afraid to show it. People whose favorite TV show is Friends don’t back down from defending their choice each chance they get. You probably force everyone to watch this show, even if half the time it’s only background noise for you, too!

You like stability and comfort in life. In your free time, you like to take quizzes to find out which Friends character you are.


Breaking Bad

Now we’re talking! If this is your favorite TV show, you’re one of two people. Either going to the gym is your hobby, or you’re a mother of grown kids – there’s no in-between. You like to picture yourself running from the bad guys as you slap mayonnaise on your sandwich.

You’ve got a soft exterior, but some crazy thoughts are running wild in your head. You’re a mysterious cookie.



Ah, the usual flat-lining shows that give up after the initial seasons. If you watch Suits, you’re either really bored with life, or you have a lot of time on your hands. We envy the people that have the stamina to watch this show; you’ve got some real patience!

You secretly wish you became a lawyer, but you’re too scared to tell everyone Suits was your inspiration – it’s so far from reality!

We Heart It

Keeping Up With The Kardashians

If you’re a reality TV addict and you know it, clap your hands. We heard that! You strive off of drama. You can do a killer Kourtney impression, and you follow each move of the Kardashian-Jenner clan.

As much as we love following the drama, we aren’t invested enough to call it our favorite TV show. You like to play safely in reality, sticking to what you know rather than stepping out of your comfort zone.


Sacred Games

You’re a true Nawazuddin Siddiqui fan. How could you not be? His suave chocolate boy charm and killer acting skills, chef’s kiss! You love chocolate ice cream, wink wink, and telling everyone how you watch Sacred Games. You channel your inner gangster through mimicking the Bombay accent.

If you’re a girl, you like to think you’re one of the boys. If you’re a boy, you’ve probably made the show your only personality trait.

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Money Heist

You’re a sucker for action sequences. You get too emotionally attached to TV characters. Each time a character is killed, you feel a pang in your heart. Most people think you’re a tough person, but we know you’ve got a soft spot.

You’re just the right amount of caring – not too overbearing but always there in times of need. You’re a reliable friend! Oh, and if you watch the show with English dubbing, we can’t be friends.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

You’re a full-time prankster somewhere in their twenties who thinks life is all fun and games. You don’t take your favorite TV show any more seriously than you take life decisions. This is probably your third favorite show of the year, you indecisive human!

Despite what anyone thinks, you’ve got a pure heart. Even if you might be a little slow to catch the punch line, we still love you!


Let us know your favorite TV show and how it connects with your personality? Or, is it something no one could ever guess you watched?


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