How To Control Sweat Odor?

How To Control Sweat Odor?

In summer, it is very usual for all of us to sweat due to the extremely hot weather. When all the dirt and bacteria on our body blend with the sweat it converts into a bad smell, making us stinky and feel very irritated of ourselves. We can’t fully get over it but a few tips can help us reduce it to a certain level so that we don’t feel embarrassed in front of others.

Take a shower daily

Now this will help kill the bacteria of the body and make it free of all the dirt that was creating an unpleasant smell. When your body is all clean, it restricts sweating to a minimal level and you don’t feel excessively hot due to which you sweat less. But even if you’re doing physical activity and sweating, it will not create body odor because the body is free of all the bacteria. If the weather is extremely hot and you sweat more naturally, it’s better to take a shower twice a day to control body odor to a good level.

Use a clean towel

Along with that, it’s very important to use a clean towel on your body as the more dry it will be the less bacteria will be produced.

Use deodorant or antiperspirants

Some parts of our body sweat more, mainly the armpits so to keep them fresh and clean, use deodorants or antiperspirants they help keep bad odor away for a longer period of time as they contain the chemical aluminum chloride.

Wear clean and light fabric clothes

Consider wearing clothes that are of cool and light stuff, which makes it easier for your skin to deal with the hot weather. If the skin will be given the space to breathe properly, it will help the sweat go away more quickly making it easier for you to continue with your chores without disturbance and irritation. Moreover, don’t wear the same clothes after a day or two as the sweat dries on your clothes so they contain the bacteria and smell in it and if you re-wear them without cleaning them properly, the bacteria will be transferred back into the body so when you’ll sweat, it will create more body odor embarrassing one in public places.

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Apply a good body spray

A good body spray also helps a lot, if one does not have deodorant with him and a sudden plan comes up, the body spray will help make you feel fresh, and clean yourself and it also counters the unpleasant body smell.

Appropriate food intake

Your choice of foods also contribute to body odor like spicy foods and mixture of hot ingredients make you sweat more. Similarly, caffeine and alcohol also help create more sweat so one should avoid excessive intake of such foods and liquids in order to control the sweat and reduce body odor.

Lastly, some people may also sweat more due to a medical condition so they should consider talking to their doctor and taking some medication in order to counteract it. Generally, the human body sweats more due to hot weather and when one is constantly doing physical activity, so these tips if followed will help them a lot.

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