Can You Name All the Countries With More Than One Capital City? We Can!

With world wars, revolutions and a lot of changing borders, the world map underwent a lot of changes in the 20th century. In the 1900, only around 40 countries had capital cities. By the year 2,000, that number grew to a roaring 200. But, some countries believed that more was better – and went ahead to have more than one capital city.

These countries below have TWO capital cities:

Benin: Porto-Novo and Cotonou

Bolivia: La Paz and Sucre

Chile: Santiago and Valparaíso

Côte D’Ivoire: Yamoussoukro and Abidjan

Czech Republic: Prague and Brno

Kingdom of eSwatini: Mbabane and Lobamba

Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya

See Also
Domestic voilence

Montenegro: Podgorica and Cetinje

Netherlands: Amsterdam and The Hague

And there’s only ONE country that has THREE capital cities:

South Africa: Pretoria:,Cape Town and Bloemfontein


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