“Imagine Kashmir” Shows an Alternative Reality of Kashmiri Lives (Free From Indian Occupation)

It’s easy to sit behind screens and claim to imagine the plight of the Kashmiri people. But it’s truly difficult to do something to truly make a difference. While we may not be able to free the Kashmiris physically at present, we can lend them a voice and create more and more awareness about the ordeals of the people living under Indian occupation and oppression.

Muhammad Jibran Nasir, a known activist and lawyer has been actively campaigning for Kashmir’s right to self determination. He took to his Instagram account to bring a few heart breaking statistics to light about mental distress in Kashmir “some studies estimating that as many as 45% of the population is suffering from some kind of mental distress. A 2016 report published by charity ActionAid and the Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (IMHANS) found “shocking” levels of mental ill health particularly among vulnerable groups”.

4 years ago, Muhammad Jibran Nasir and his fellow artists, came up with the “India Can’t See” campaign that aimed to create awareness about the use of pellet guns in Kashmir that had left hundreds injured, and even blinded. This year, him and several other artists, academics and activists have teamed up to create another heart wrenching but impactful campaign “Imagine Kashmir” by Case4Kashmir where they simultaneously show the reality of Kashmiri lives and what they could be -side by side. Here’s a few images that truly broke our heart.

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This is a beautiful concept that Case4Kashmir has managed to bring to light – to show us how normal Kashmir lives could look beyond the occupation and oppression of the Indian army. Free in the day and the night, free in their homes and their homeland – free to be humans, free to be free – here’s wishing and praying that Kashmir will be free at last!

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